Get the Body of Your Dreams with AiwoSculpt

A revolutionary non-surgical treatment offering comprehensive benefits beyond mere fat reduction. Utilising HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Technology), EMS (Electro Muscle Stimulation), and RF(Radio frequency), AiwoSculpt stimulates continuous muscle expansion and contraction, mimicking the effects of intensive exercise.

Book a session

With AIWOScuplt, experience:

  • Muscle Boost

    16% increase in muscle mass, signaling a significant advancement in strength training.

  • Core enhancement

    The effect comparable to 20,000 crunches in a 30-minute session

  • Fat reduction

    By upto 19% & 1.5 inch loss in waistline

  • Improved metabolism

    5-fold increase in Fat Metabolism

Pelvic Floor Muscle Strengthening

AIWO Sculpting is an effective tool for strengthening pelvic floor muscles. By using targeted vibrations and stimulation, it allows you to engage and exercise your pelvic floor muscles, promoting better control and coordination. Strong pelvic floor muscles can help prevent urinary incontinence, improve sexual function, and provide support for your internal organs.


  • Effectively Helps in Urinary Incontinence

    Urinary incontinence is a common issue that many individuals face, particularly women. AIWO Sculpting can be a valuable solution for this problem by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles responsible for controlling the bladder. Regular use of AIWO Sculpting aids in reducing episodes of leakage, increasing overall bladder control, and improving your quality of life.

  • Postpartum Muscle Strengthening

    After childbirth, many women experience a weakened pelvic floor. AIWO Sculpting provides a safe and effective way to regain strength in these muscles, helping to restore their tone and function. Whether you've recently given birth or it has been several years, utilizing AIWO Sculpting can assist in postpartum recovery and enhance your overall well-being.

  • Aids in Pre-Ejaculation Dysfunction

    Pre-ejaculation dysfunction can be an issue that affects the sexual experience of both men and their partners. AIWO Sculpting can help address this concern by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles responsible for ejaculation control. With regular use, AIWO Sculpting can improve muscle tone, increase stamina, and enhance your ability to delay ejaculation, leading to more satisfying intimate moments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to Expect From AIWO Sculpting

The process is painless!

Paddles are strapped over your area of concern, and as the power increases, contractions occur—a super-intense vibration reaching your core. After involuntary contractions, the machine taps to break up released lactic acid.
AiwoSculpt strengthens core muscles, beneficial for mothers with increased belly circumference post-childbirth. Research shows it can increase muscle by 16% and reduce fat by 19%, enhancing abdominal muscles.

What to Expect at Your AiwoSculpt Appointment

If AiwoSculpt aligns with your fitness goals, familiarise yourself with the procedure. Each 30-minute session involves AiwoSculpt paddles strapped on bare skin or thin clothing of your choice.
Depending on the targeted body part, your session may have "phases" where HIFEM encourages muscle contraction at different rates. It may feel unusual—like a workout while lying still. Your technician adjusts intensity gradually, and you may experience sensations like gripping muscles, tingling, and tightening.

How Many Sessions Are Required?

A course comprises 20 sessions, with effects lasting up to 6 months with proper maintenance. Additional sessions may be needed for optimal results.
Improve muscle tone, gain strength, and aid in rehabilitation with AiwoSculpt.